Prof. Dr. Markus A. Denzel, Leipzig

Dr. Marie-Claude Schöpfer, Brig
Vice President

Prof. Dr. Andrea Bonoldi, Trento

Prof. Dr. Luigi Lorenzetti, Mendrisio


Commission for the Economic History of the Alps

StoAlp Commission for the Economic History of the Alps was founded on 14 September 2013 as a non-profit society based in Brig (University Institute for Research on the History of the Alpine Area) in accordance with Article 60ss. of the Swiss Civil Code. The aims of StoAlp are to:

  • Research and publish on the economic history of the Alpine area under a consistent concept and within the frame of international cooperation.
  • Create and uphold a public interest by means of conferences and publications.
  • The projects are realised with the assistance of the commission’s members and third parties.


1st Workshop: 19–21 March 2015, Hall im Tirol (A) (Programm PDF)

2nd Workshop: 30 March–1 April 2017, Brig (CH) (Programm PDF)

3rd Workshop: 7–9 October 2021, Trento (I) (Programm PDF)


Markus A. Denzel, Andrea Bonoldi, Anne Montenach und Françoise Vannotti (Hg.), Oeconomia Alpium I: Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Alpenraums in vorindustrieller Zeit. Forschungsaufriss, -konzepte und -perspektiven, Oldenbourg 2017.

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